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ZLD Plant

ZLD Plant

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Water is a scarce resource and due to Urbanization and Globalization water usage will increase in the coming years. Industries like power, oil, and gas, pharmaceuticals, and chemicals generate a large volume of wastewater which contains solid waste, organic waste, toxic and non-toxic chemicals which further affects the environment. In fact, many government and industries have come up with initiatives to reduce water waste by installing ZLD, which in turn will reduce water wastage, and help them attain a sustainable environment.

The key driver for zero liquid discharge is a growing concern about the impact of wastewater discharge on the environment. Such concern is resulting in increased regulation and limitation of wastewater discharges. Organizations in India are targeting ZLD for their waste because they can sell the solids that are produced or reuse as a part of the industrial process. For example, salt is the by-product we get at the last stage of ZLD. This salt can be used in the textile process.
