Drive Heads
June 26, 2021 2021-06-26 8:21Drive Heads
Drive Heads
Home / Drive Heads
The drive head is the heart of the Thickener & Clarifier mechanism.
Sedimentation drive generally operates at a relatively low value of output torque in a well-operated installation. As long as the solids input equals the solids output from the mechanism, torque will begin to climb and the alarm on the drive control will actuate to warm the operator to take corrective action.
There are three types of drives which are mostly used in wastewater indutries. Wich are Bridge mounted, Turn table(center pier mounted) and Center drive mechanism.
We at Waterio supply and manufacture these all types of drive heads.

Mounting-Bridge mounted, Center oier mounted.
Power-as required
Chamber type-Circular
Scraper mounting-Vertical shaft/Centre cage
RPM-as per request
Plane bearing-Bronze
Gear and housing material-Cast Iron(others on request)