Packaged STP Plant
June 26, 2021 2021-06-26 8:07Packaged STP Plant
Packaged STP Plant
Home / Packaged STP Plant
We design and manufacturePackaged Sewage Treatment Plants with premium quality raw materials and upgraded technologies under the supervision of the experienced professionals.
The Packaged STP is designed to bring the treated sewage parameters (BOD, COD, TSS, TN etc.) below the permissible limit which is stipulated by the Pollution Control Board. MBBR technology is used in this system.

Capacity range-2KLD to 500KLD
Size-as per effluent data (BOD, COD, TSS, TN etc)
Air blowers-required as per BOD & COD
Oil & Grease removing basin-yes
Chemical dosing system-yes
Head loss-very less
Permeate-as per PCB
Material of construction- MSEP, SS (other on demand)